Frequently Asked Questions

What are your products made of?


Our products consist majorily consists of organic waste materials like orange peels, coffee grounds, wheat bran, potato peels, etc. By combining these materials with water and organic compounds, we produce a compostable and biobased material. Using waste as a resource allows us to lower our production costs and offer a more sustainable solution than using virgin materials. 

Where can I buy your products?


We’re very happy you’re interested in our products! Our products are still under development. Since our production is still small, we aim to scale up with established producers.

Which products can be made from your materials?


Our biomaterials can be used for a wide variety of products. Given the unique advantage of easy biodegradability and affordability, we mainly focus on the replacement of single-use plastics. These are products likely to be littered into the environment such as coffee cups and take-away packaging, but we also explore non-food applications like flower pots or decorational items. Ultimately, we want to provide a sustainable packaging solution wherever possible.

Can I bring you my organic waste?


Because we are still in our research and development phase, we currently experiment with a variety of organic waste streams. We cannot directly take your organic waste from home, because it has a mix of waste. If you happen to produce a singular homogenous waste stream near Maastricht we would love to hear about it. Please reach out to our R&D team via

Are your products circular?


Yes. Since our products’ main ingredients come from waste streams that would have otherwise gone to landfill or compost, we add an additional loop to the organic material’s lifecycle. After usage, they can be simply composted and turned into nutrient-rich soil. This makes ComposTerra an important actor in the transformation of our society to a circular economy. In the future we want to explore how to take back ComposTerra products to create a more direct circular production and consumption cycle.

Do you provide companies or others with circularity advice?


Yes. Our team combines a variety of expertises on circularity, from bio-based polymer researchers and industrial designers to business developers. As founders ourselves we are re familiar with the challenges of setting up a circular business. We believe in the importance of knowledge sharing and offer consulting services to help others who share our mission. Contact us for more information via

I love your idea. How can I support your mission?


ComposTerra is a growing startup and we’re always looking for supporters. You can consider sending in an open application to join our team. Moreover, we are also looking for investors and partners that can support us financially in growing our activities.